Blood Supply to Cervical Spinal Cord
$395.00Anterior and posterior view of spinal cord
Showing 1–16 of 36 results
Lateral view of the left hand showing normal fifth finger vs. Boutonniere deformity of the fifth finger resulting from injury to the ligaments at the PIP joint.
Lateral view of the right hand showing normal fifth finger vs. Boutonniere deformity of the fifth finger resulting from injury to the ligament at the PIP joint.
Sectional views of the skin comparing normal skin anatomy vs. healed skin after burn injury and emphasizing the many beneficial characteristics of skin that are lost with severe scarring.
Demonstrates how the brain impacts on the inside of the skull during violent acceleration-deceleration and deceleration-acceleration movements to result in shear injury or traumatic axonal injury even without a significant blow to the head.
Sectional view through injured right lisfranc joint comparing the normal joint (with thick|shock-absorbing articular cartilage) to joint during trauma|and after the development of post-traumatic degenerative changes.
Sectional view through injured left lisfranc joint comparing the normal joint (with thick|shock-absorbing articular cartilage) to joint during trauma|and after the development of post-traumatic degenerative changes.
Shows burned skin allows bacteria to enter and spread throughout the entire body – resulting in sepsis that affects numerous organs and systems and can even cause death.
Series of illustrations comparing the normal AC joint (with thick|shock absorbing articular cartilage covering smooth articular bone) to the joint during a traumatic event and after resulting post-traumatic changes. The post-traumatic hypertrophy then results in irritation and compression of the underlying rotator cuff structures.
Brain thrown out of normal position causing the olfactory nerves to stretch and tear.
Series of illustrations showing the relevant anatomy of the lumbar spine during excession flexion resulting in injuries that entrap blood vessels|nerves|and muscles|and cause pain and decrease range of motion.
Medivisuals Inc.
(866) 939-6171 N/A