Showing 49–57 of 57 results
Posterior views of skeletons comparing normal stature and gait with the pelvis|spine|and head in straight alignment compared to abnormal alignment required to adjust to discrepancies in leg lengths. The abnormal alignment result in chronic spinal pain.
Intraoperative view of left leg showing placement of a tibia traction pin to realign (reduce) or relocate hip or femur fractures and dislocations.
Illustrations of the left hip comparing the normal joint (with thick|shock-absorbing articular cartilage) to joint after the development of post-traumatic degenerative changes.
Shows an anterior view of torn pubic symphysis and disruption of the sacroiliac (SI) joint
Posterior and axial views of sacroiliac joints showing a left joint injection.
Anterior and posterior views of left arm and sensory nerve distribution
Normal vs. Traumatic Arthritis of the left elbow
Demonstrates how the brain impacts on the inside of the skull during a left side (parietal) impact to result in shear injury or traumatic axonal injury even without a significant blow to the head.
Shows close up view of left ankle joint comparing normal joint with thick|shock-absorbing articular cartilage to joint during trauma|and after the development of post-traumatic degenerative changes.