Lumbar Spine Innervation
$395.00SKU: 103109_08L
Showing 49–64 of 67 results
Posterior and axial views of the lumbosacral spine with bilaterally placed epidural steroid injection needles.
Lateral and axial view of lumbar spine with introducers and needle electrodes destroying medial branch of right nerves in an attempt to alleviate chronic pain.
Lateral and axial view of lumbar spine with introducers and needle electrodes destroying medial branch of left nerves in an attempt to alleviate chronic pain.
Illustrations depicting implantation of a morphine pump in the abdomen and catheter in the spinal column in attempts to help manage chronic|severe pain.
Explains the process of normal pain perception from an initial stimulus or injury to the brain’s response and modulation with the release of endorphins and other neurotransmitters.
Explains the progression of CRPS from initial trauma and chronic sensitization to malfunction and treatment. (Recommended that “Normal Pain Perception” be used in conjunction with this exhibit for comparative purposes).
Demonstrates Percutaneous Implantation of a Trial Spinal Cord Stimulator introduced into the spinal column via a needle in attempts to manage chronic|severe pain.
Illustrations depicting the deep short segments of muscle that are often injured during excessive flexion or extension of the spine.
Radio Frequency Nerve Ablation Procedure (Rhizotomy) Cervical Spine
Radio Frequency Nerve Ablation Procedure (Rhizotomy) Lumbar Spine
Anterior and posterior oblique views of left leg with normal lumbosacral plexus and dermatomes color coded by individual sensory nerves.
Sagittal and axial views of cervical spine demonstrating a Right cervical medial branch injections.
Lateral and axial views of the cervical spine demonstration destruction of a right medial branch nerve to relieve pain
Posterior and axial views of sacroiliac joints showing a right joint injection.
Medivisuals Inc.
(866) 939-6171 N/A